Sunday, August 11, 2019

MOUNTAIN DEW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MOUNTAIN DEW - Assignment Example One familiar commercial shows a Cheetah being chased by a cyclist to retrieve the MD can it swallowed. Later, three other cyclists holding MD cans quench their thirst as the cheetah displays the slogan, â€Å"Do the dew.† This commercial typically shows that MD drinkers are unique. They can slip an arm into the animal’s throat without being hurt and can beat a cheetah in a dessert race, which normal people cannot do. The other commercial called â€Å"The Labor of Love† shows a healthy baby boy who jumps off his mom’s womb at birth. Apparently, his father loves to drink MD so the baby is unique. He does things that are not typical of boys at his age. Therefore, this commercial confirms that MD is for unique people. The third commercial called â€Å"Mock Opera† shows four guys singing MD’s â€Å"Do the Dew Song.† This ad also implies the notion that MD drinkers are uniquely talented. They can lead multitudes to sing the MD song. The position of the singers, juxtaposed with the crowd, emphasizes their superiority over others. Clearly, the three ads emphasize the identity of MD as a unique drink from the mountain. They also illustrate that MD is different from other popular soda drinks. They attract consumers who opt for a drink with extraordinary or unique taste. With its commercials, MD also suggests that its drinkers are unique and by drinking the dew, consumers will be capable of doing the extraordinary. Among the three ads, the third one best represents the identity and direction of MD. Letting the singers have the dew instead of giving it to the physically active illustrates that MD is not actually for the physically active but for extraordinary or uniquely talented people. As the four talented singers take the dew, the ad implies that MD is for those with distinct taste and style. The view of the singers leading the public in chorus suggests that MD drinkers have summed up to multitudes, thus many have made a unique

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